Rajasthan is the largest sate of India in terms of geographical area. People in many parts of the state are facing risk of being displaced from their […]
Salient Features of Draft National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement (LARR) Bill
Here are the salient features of the National Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation (LARR) Bill 2011 prepared by Rakshita Swamy. It also highlights some of the […]
Counting Poorly; and Identifying…??
by Nesar Ahmad In a recent affidavit to the Supreme Court the Planning Commission has revised the poverty line to estimate the number of poor […]
Coke for Land – notes from a dharna outside Jindal’s factory in Angul, Orissa
by Faiza Khan Villagers have been sitting outside the Jindal factory in protest for the last 3 weeks. Sudham Bishal, 51 who injured his head […]
भूमि अधिग्रहण एवं ‘सार्वजनिक हित’
♦ नेसार अहमद [From www.mohallalive.com] पिछले वर्षों में देश में भूमि अधिग्रहण का मामला काफी पेचीदा हो गया है। सरकार न केवल बुनियादी ढांचे, सड़कें, […]
ग्रिड नाकाम हुए या हमारी ऊर्जा नीति
कुमार सुंदरम [जनसत्ता 4 अगस्त, 2012: से साभार] अकाल के समय सूखी धरती का फोटो चस्पां कर देना और इतिहास की सबसे बड़ी ग्रिड-नाकामी पर […]
Power in the wrong hands
[Originally published on Dianuke] Why the power grids failed last week and what can be done about it Zakaria Siddiqui The New York Times reported last week’s […]
Government ignores Parliamentary Committee’s Suggestion: Makes Land Acquisition bill further pro-industry
A revised version of the Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement bill 2011 is to be put before the cabinet for approval and there after to be […]
Land Aquisition Bill diluted further by GoM
Nesar Ahmad Even after pressed by his cabinet colleagues, Mr. Jairam Ramesh, the union minister for Rural Areas and Employment, had gone on record to […]
जे एन एन यू आर एम और बद्तर होते शहरी ग़रीब
जावेद अनीस [anisjaved@gmail.com] [जवाहरलाल नेहरू अर्बन रिनुयल मिशन (जे एन एन यू आर एम) भारत सरकार द्वारा चलाया जा रहा शहरी विकास का सबसे […]