World Migration Report 2024: Beyond the Statistical Jugglery

Mohammad Akmal Shareef

On May 7, 2024 Ms Amy E. Pope, Director General of
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
launched the World Migration
Report 2024 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.  At the surface level, the report
highlights the shared commitment of the international community to promote safe
migration. However, the staggering rise in the numbers of global refugees and
migrants driven by conflict, climate change, and economic in-equality gives us
a grimmer picture. It cross checks the political rhetoric often shrouded
with lofty values professed by the member states on the global podium. 


Sudden flaring
up of Palestine imbroglio, the plight of stateless Rohingya refugees, forgotten
crisis of Afghanistan, the Ukraine crisis (which gets the maximum attention of
the donors!), and the fighting in Sudan between the rival armed forces, have
exacerbated the refugee and IDP crises.   The images of sinking
and broken boats carrying the refugees as they take the risky sea journey in
the hope of seeing a better future, reminds the political artifice of the
global power brokers these refugees repeatedly hear. It has given them nothing,
but a congealed morass of hope built on the dead bodies of their loved ones,
floating in the ocean- from the Mediterranean to the Pacific.    


While human history is a history of migration and many countries across
the globe have written their success stories by harnessing the potential of
migrants, the underline and systemic factors that drive unsafe migration need
greater commitment and attention than ever.  Changing geo-political
realities, technological divide, emergence of powerful non-state actors and
armed groups- who are often seen in exasperating the problem-, and mammoth rise
and influence of the private sector in shaping policies and public discourse,
warrant our renewed commitment for transboundary cooperation and collaborations
to address the global migration crises.   

pathways for safe migration, highlighting the contributions of migrants, and
addressing the even growing wave of hatred against migrants/refugees are the
arenas aid communities need to highlight more.  As humanitarians we
must continue to speak louder and share the stories of grief, anger, hope, and
pride of the refugees; our voices need to be much louder, as there is growing
concern that the world is moving more towards uncertainty and the voices of
refugees and oppressed are not lost in the opera of political optics displayed
in front of us.  

Globally 281
Million, roughly 03.60% of the global population are migrants; they are living
in countries other than their countries of birth. There has been a growing
gender gap; the share of female migrants has significantly decreased since
2020.  The number of refugees stands at 35.3 Million, whereas 54 million
are asylum seekers and 71.2 million people are IDPs. Remaining 120.6
Million are those living in countries other than their birth for work and other
reasons. Europe and Asia host 87 and 86 Million of International migrants
respectively and that comprise 61% of the total global international migrants.


As for countries
of origin, Asia has seen a drastic rise in numbers in the last 10 years. More
than 40% of international migrants come from Asia, with India having the lion
share, followed by China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, and
of countries where HDI is high, have access to almost 85% of the countries
globally, thanks to the sheer capacity of their passports. The lower the HDI
index, the limited access the nationals have to migrate. However, in the
countries with lower HDI index, the probability and circumstances which lead to
migration is much higher.


The report also
highlights the contribution of migrants in building economies. Paradoxically
many countries that have been beneficiary of remittance sent by the migrants,
have also seen significant rise in the anti- migrant/refugee sentiments,
leading to rise of hate crime and violence against them. India, China, Mexico,
the Philippines, and Egypt are the major recipients of remittance. First time,
India has crossed the threshold of $100 billion. It receives roughly $111
Billion as remittance.

Still effective
governance of migration at global and national level continues to remain a big
Changing geopolitical realities warrants an effective
international migration governance framework based on the key spokes of
justice, equity, rule of law, and compassion. Though, there has been progress
to note, but are they enough to address the current challenges?  The subject of migration has first time got
major traction in any global development document is the Agenda 2030/SDGs, which became a powerful accelerator to recognise the role of
migrants and its effective governance in achieving the UN SDGs.

the promulgation of Global Compact for safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration
2018, became a huge stepping stone in terms of providing a broader governance
framework to regulate migration at the global level. It spelt out the
commitments, milestones, and process through which migration will be regulated.
However, being a non- binding cooperative framework in nature, the Global
Compact 2018 failed to garner the vote and commitments of all the member

Onus to regulate
and take actions through developing national policies and action plans on the Global
Compact remain in the purview of member states. Therefore many countries,
though play a crucial role in the effective governance of migration, have yet
to take actions and form policies to govern migration. In fact, many countries
in the South and South-east Asia region, where the impact of cross border
migration in recent years is glare, have yet to sign the global refugee
convention of 1951; that further impedes in the way of effective governance. ‘Ostrich
syndrome’ of states (especially the rich and powerful countries and blocks!)
would not take us far in addressing the problem.    

Current migration
crisis is perhaps unparalleled in human history. It’s complex and driven by
multiple factors. The cacophony around this is loud, but gives us a ‘jarred view’, where stories of plight of
migrants and refugees are lost. We must not forget those stories and continue
to advocate for their rights. Circumstances have forced them to leave their
homes – they need the shared commitment of humanity to sail through.

Note: The author is the Country Director, Action Against Hunger, Bangladesh. The opinion expressed in the article is solely of the author and does
not represent the view of the organizations he works with.

 Image credit: Getty Images  


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